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Siemens Tecnomatix Process Simulate 16.1.0 x64 (3D數位化製造軟體) 英文破解版(DVD9一片裝 此片售價200元)





Siemens Tecnomatix Process Simulate 16.1.0 x64 (3D數位化製造軟體) 英文破解版(DVD9一片裝 此片售價200元) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱:Siemens Tecnomatix Process Simulate 16.1.0 x64 (3D數位化製造軟體) 英文破解版(DVD9一片裝 此片售價200元) 語系版本:英文破解版 光碟片數:單片裝 破解說明: 系統支援:For Windows 7/10 64-bit 軟體類型:3D數位化製造軟體 硬體需求:PC 更新日期:2021-08-28 官方網站: 中文網站: 軟體簡介: 銷售價格:$200元 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=   破解說明: 0. Uninstall ANY SIEMENS SPLM License Server if one is installed: - If the original SPLM License Server is installed, use "Programs and Features" to remove it - If SSQ SPLM License Server is installed, run as Administrator the "server_remove.bat" from the SPLM License Server folder 1. DO NOT install original SPLM License Server from NX setup media!!! 2. Install or update the SolidSQUAD Universal License Server If SolidSQUAD Universal License Server has never been installed on the computer: - unzip the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder from "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_.zip" to any DRIVE ROOT folder X:\ (like C:\, D:\, E:\ etc), so the path will be: X:\SolidSQUAD_License_Servers - unzip the "Vendors" folder from "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Module_SiemensPLM_.zip" to the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder - As administrator run "install_or_update.bat" from "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder and wait until it completes -- OR -- If SolidSQUAD Universal License Server is already installed, but the release-date of "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_.zip" is newer than the installed one, update the server installation: - As administrator run "uninstall.bat" from "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder and wait until it completes - unzip the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder from "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_.zip" to any DRIVE ROOT folder X:\ (like C:\, D:\, E:\ etc), so the path will be: X:\SolidSQUAD_License_Servers - unzip the "Vendors" folder from "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Module_SiemensPLM_.zip" to the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder - As administrator run "install_or_update.bat" from "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder and wait until it completes -- OR -- If the release-date of "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_.zip" is not newer than the installed one but the release-date of "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Module_SiemensPLM_.zip" is newer than the installed one, update SiemensPLM module only: - unzip the "Vendors" folder from "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Module_SiemensPLM_.zip" to the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder - As administrator run "install_or_update.bat" from "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder and wait until it completes 3. Install Tecnomatix 16.1.0 Win64 and CADTranslators 8.1 Win64 (optional) At setup if asked for license server port and name input: 27800@localhost 4. For Tecnomatix 16.1.0 overwrite original program folder (by default C:\Program Files\Tecnomatix_16.1 ) with cracked one from folder "Client" 5. For CADTranslators 8.1 overwrite original program folder (by default C:\Program Files\Tecnomatix\CADTranslators ) with cracked one from folder "Client" 6. Reboot computer 7. Enjoy! 軟體簡介:   Siemens Tecnomatix Process Simulate 16是一款功能超級強大的電腦端數位製造 設計工具軟體,它幫助您將製造數位化,並將創新的想法和原材料轉化為真實產品 的過程,讓整個流暢可以有條不紊的進行下去,不會出現錯誤。軟體的設計內容覆 蓋全面,包括:裝配規劃、資源管理、工廠設計與優化、產品品質規劃與分析、生 產管理等等板塊構成,對於汽車行業的製造有著很大的幫助。利用這個軟體,你完 全可以進行仿真模擬實驗,在虛擬的環境中去做實驗,大大減少了實驗成本,並且 軟體內還有很多的輔助工具,能夠提升實驗的效率和準確性,並且能夠根據實驗情 況及時的做出診斷報告,便於用戶改進。 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
