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Sound Ideas General 6000 Extension I Sound Effects Library Cd55-56 Cdda 音色取樣光碟正式版 (最成功的6000系列音效庫)(2CD)





Sound Ideas General 6000 Extension I Sound Effects Library Cd55-56 Cdda 音色取樣光碟正式版 (最成功的6000系列音效庫)(2CD) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱:Sound Ideas General 6000 Extension I Sound Effects Library Cd55-56 Cdda 音色取樣光碟正式版 (最成功的6000系列音效庫)(2CD) 語系版本: 光碟片數:2片裝 破解說明: 系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003 軟體類型:最成功的6000系列音效庫 硬體需求:PC 更新日期:2006/5/14 官方網站:http://www.sound-ideas.com/6000ext.html 中文網站:http://www.sound-ideas.com/6000ext.html 軟體簡介: 銷售價格:160 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體簡介: () Sound Ideas General 6000 Extension I Sound Effects Library Cd55-56 Cdda 音色取樣光碟正式版 (最成功的6000系列音效庫)(2CD) 相關網址: http://www.sound-ideas.com/6000ext.html 內容說明: 最成功的6000系列音效庫,這個20CD的極好的素材庫中,有超過3200個專業級的音效片 段,都以數碼立體聲錄製。 CD 6055是摩托車,音樂盒,報紙,辦公室環境聲音。 CD 6056是餐廳,機器人,岩石,過山車等聲音。 The Series 6000 Extension Sound Effects Library Sound Ideas announces the Series 6000 Extension - the perfect partner to the incredibly successful Series 6000 Sound Effects Library - known worldwide as The General! The Series 6000 Extension is a stunning collection of 20 CDs, showcasing over 3,200 all-new professional quality sound effects, digitally recorded in stereo,ready to kick your productions into high gear! This remarkable library, the result of substantial research, field recording and long studio hours, is a compilation of today's most in-demand sound effects. We also enlisted the special efforts of some of the industry's most respected sound recordists and sound designers. The Series 6000 Extension is both a perfect companion to The General, and a superb collection of professional sound effects in its own right! You will discover a host of great royalty free sound clips that anyone in production would truly love to have, and much more! 6055: Motorcycles, Music Boxes, Newspaper Boxes, Office Ambiences, Oil Cans,Paint Shakers, Paper Shredders, Parachutes, Picnic Baskets, Polishers, Popcorn, Pottery Breaks, Pouring Sounds, Projectors, Pulleys, Pumps, Punch Clocks, Purses, Radiators, Radios, Raffle Sounds, Rain, Rain Sticks. 6056: Restaurant Sounds, Robotics, Rock Climbing, Rock Sounds, Roller Coasters, Sci Fi Sounds, Scrapes, Sewing Boxes, Shakes, Sharks, Shaving, Ships, Shipyards, Shovels, Showers, Sirens, Ice Skating Sounds. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
